All time spiral remastered spoilers
All time spiral remastered spoilers

Three in a row from Modern Masters, but this is another obvious pick. I’m worried there aren’t enough pump spells ( Tromp the Domains got cut both due to space and power level concerns, and while I like Marshaling Cry as a Melvin it’s clearly weaker than Fortify ), but Thrill of the Hunt does a lot. There was a lot of stuff that didn’t make it into MMA though, and while no one cares about Mycologist (even though it’s still here as filler), Utopia Mycon and Thelon of Havenwood both need reprints.

all time spiral remastered spoilers

The cards are good (and suspend is still a good mechanic), so it should work.Īnother deck mostly taken from Modern Masters, though ironically I don’t get to use actual Thallid since it was on the timeshifted sheet. The main difference is that you get Storm Entity in addition to Grapeshot and (an upshifted) Empty the Warrens, and slightly more suspend at lower rarities. Yes, I’m stealing this archetype from the original Modern Masters, but I think it was supposed to mostly work like this in the original set too. I kept most of the good removal in, but hopefully cuts like Gathan Raiders (a victim of keeping to the modern 5-mana rule for Morphs) can keep it in line. There’s also a small Madness theme with enablers like Lightning Axe and payoffs like Dark Withering, which also ties into the Hellbent cards like Keldon Megaliths and (the surprisingly expensive) Gibbering Descent. This time the guiding “gold” card is Henchfiend of Ukor, a card not that good in the grand scheme of things but pointing towards echo mattering with cards like Stingscourger, a downshifted Basalt Gargoyle, and Deepcavern Imp. Black mostly adds removal, but Dimir Control is a fine “normal” archetype. I did give it some new tools like downshifting Dismal Failure and Ovinize along with the usual value tools like Logic Knot and Think Twice. Mystical Teachings is another “gold” card that points towards an obvious archetype, even if it might be too good for modern Limited. I did downshift Seht's Tiger to uncommon and Cryptic Annelid to common, and you still get Morph synergies like blinking a Brine Elemental and using Fathom Seer multiple times, but maybe I went too far. The Reality Acid side of the deck has also been nerfed a bit by the aura being upshifted to uncommon and Tolarian Sentinel not making the cut. The biggest problem is that while Stormfront Riders is the obvious build-around for the archetype, the name likely disqualifies it from a reprint in 2021. We’re starting with an easy archetype here, as Momentary Blink was already one of the stars of Time Spiral Limited, even before you add in Dream Stalker and the Planar Chaos “gating” cards like Whitemane Lion. Let’s start like a normal set with the Limited archetypes. At the bottom end I need to try to make clear limited archetypes without modern conveniences like signpost uncommons, while at the top end I need to make sensible mythic upgrades without missing much (though I am going to miss some things by default, since I’m maintaining color balance). Heck, until the WPN article we weren’t even 100% sure it would include the entire block! Thus, to keep myself sane I’m going to focus on the main set (but I’ll talk about the Timeshifted cards later) and assume it’s the same size as a normal set: 249 cards (ignoring basic lands), with 101 commons, 80 uncommons, 53 rares, and 15 mythics. The main thing that makes this difficult is that we don’t know that much about the set other than the five cards previewed (the three Timeshifted cards from the reveal, Cranial Plating from The List, and the Lotus Bloom release promo). As such, this is going to be a relatively easy prediction piece, yet difficult at the same time. Finally, the flashiest part is the first old-border reprints in a very long time, with cards like Chalice of the Void and Path to Exile already confirmed.

all time spiral remastered spoilers

Beneath the surface it’ll reprint a ton of extremely expensive cards like Damnation, Tarmogoyf, and Sliver Legion. Fundamentally it translates a fun Limited format to a modern audience, presumably minus a bunch of the garbage and trimming some of the outliers like Sprout Swarm. Now we get the set likely designed between those two: Time Spiral Remastered, and as the first remastered set designed for paper, it’s a strange case with three distinct goals. Then Magic Arena got remasters of Amonkhet and Kaladesh to improve Historic and work towards Pioneer, and while the latter was mostly a straight translation, the former added a bunch of random cards. Tempest Remastered was the original: a MTGO-exclusive set primarily designed to put more Wasteland s on the platform that mostly flopped. The timeline of remastered sets is a strange one.

All time spiral remastered spoilers